Research Colloquium: February 27 2013
Speaker: Sonja Molfenter
Date: Wednesday, February 27 2013
Topic: Teasing Apart Contributions to Variability in Hyoid Movement in Swallowing: Size Matters
Time: 12:10 to 1:00 p.m.
Location: 500 University Avenue, 4th Floor, Rm 452, Rehabilitation Sciences Building
As a courtesy to the speaker please be on time. Recording of these lectures is strictly prohibited.
About the Speaker:
Sonja graduated from the U of T SLP Clinical Master’s program in 2007. After working primarily on Dysphagia assessment and management for two years in both a rehabilitation research setting and an acute care setting, Sonja decided to pursue doctoral studies with Dr. Catriona Steele. Sonja’s research focuses primarily investigating kinematic and temporal variability of swallowing on Videofluoroscopy. She plans to defend her dissertation in June 2013.
Optional Reading (students are asked to read this article before the colloquium):
S.M. Molfenter and C.M. Steele (2011).Physiological Variability in the Deglutition Literature: Hyoid and Laryngeal Kinematics. Dysphagia, 26, 67-74.
Future Research Colloquia Dates: March 13, March 27, April 10, April 24, May 8 and May 22, 2013