Facilitator Sign up for Teaching Clinics, Labs and Case Discussions

Additional Clinical Teaching Opportunities Sign-Up: 2023-2024

  • *Under role please include your specific area of practice.
  • Let us know here if there is a placement site affiliated with this offer that you would like to include.

  • Academic Course Opportunities

  • 2) Advanced Principles of Clinical Practice, Year 2: Counselling Live or Virtual Simulation Experience A small group session where students practice counselling skills, ideally with a client or family member that the SLP facilitator brings to the two-hour session (1 – 3 p.m.). Students reflect on their performance and the client/family member, other students and SLP facilitator also provide feedback.
  • I would like to be a facilitator in the Counselling Live or Virtual Simulation Experience in April 2024, I am...

  • Clinical Course Opportunities

  • 1) Teaching Clinics Facilitators 2023

    Clinical educators are needed to be facilitators for small group sessions. Typically, the same group meets for all sessions within a given course and so we aim to have the same facilitator to ensure continuity across Teaching Clinics. During these clinics, students present clinical cases from their placement to gain insight into clinical questions and receive developmental and confirming feedback from peers. SLP facilitators guide the discussion to promote development of students' clinical reasoning skills. Whenever possible we ask that you sign up for all 3 of the sessions within a given course.

  • Unit 7 Teaching Clinics - Winter

  • Unit 5 Teaching Clinics - Summer

  • Unit 9 Teaching Clinics - Summer, final placement.

  • 2) SLP 1507 Clinical Laboratory Facilitator

    We are seeking SLP facilitators for the following simulated case-based activities. SLP facilitators are provided with access to all relevant simulated case materials, including a facilitator guide.

  • Please indicate up to 4 dates/times select all of the dates that you are available and we will confirm a finalized schedule.
  • Please indicate if you prefer mornings, afternoons or another time frame. Please convert to Toronto Standard Time (EST) if you are indicating specific hours.