April 2013

Cressy Student Leadership Award

annaAnna Nguyen (Year 2 Co-President) received a Gordon Cressy Student Leadership Award from the University of Toronto Alumni Association on April 29, 2013. The Cressy Awards recognize graduating students for outstanding contributions to improving the world around them and inspiring others to do the same. This award recognizes Anna’s leadership skills within the Department and her contributions to supporting the well-being of all her classmates. Anna has worked as an ABA Therapist with children who have ASD and hopes to practice in this field after she graduates.


CASLPA Student Excellence Award

shaneShane Lin (Year 2 student) received the CASLPA Student Excellence Award at the CASLPA Conference in April 2013. Shane was nominated by his classmates for his outstanding leadership skills and his aptitude to be the best all-round future professional. Shane has shown significant enthusiasm for SLP and has instilled in his classmates a desire to contribute to the development and growth of the profession.