June is…”Stroke Awareness Month”

Health Canada, Calendar of Health promotion days lists June as “Stroke Awareness Month” and “Head Injury Awareness month”.
 As part of last month’s Speech and Hearing Awareness month activities, Dr. Rochon and Dr. Martino partnered with OSLA for a public event entitled “A Life with Speech and Swallowing Difficulties after Stroke “. Professor Elizabeth Rochon, commented on the fact that a survey, led by Dr. Rochon and colleagues, “found that although most people reported that they had heard of stroke, only 32% of respondents said that they had heard of aphasia … and only 6% of the entire sample had even basic knowledge of what aphasia is.” She said there is a great deal of work to be done to raise awareness of aphasia in society. The event was a huge success with 85 people in attendance.

To read more about Dr. Rochon and Dr. Martino’s research and Harvey Strosberg, the inspirational guest speaker who shared his story of recovery from stroke follow this link: