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UofT Graduate Research Day – BAM!Toronto Lab
November 12, 2021 @ 9:10 am - 4:30 pm

We are excited to announce the first Graduate Language Research Day at the University of Toronto! The aim of this one-day meeting is to connect and introduce attendees to the diverse language-related research that takes place across departments, campuses and affiliated hospitals at UofT.
Our first meeting will be held in a virtual format on Friday, November 12th, 2021. The theme of the meeting is Language Research in a Virtual Context. Our keynote speaker – Dr. Marion Coumel will be giving a talk on her work on syntactic priming and second language learning. We will also have student oral presentations and a networking event.
A Schedule of the Days Activities
Please register for the event here: https://uoft-language-researchday-2021.eventbrite.ca
For more details, please visit our event page.