• Research Colloquium: November 7 2012

    Posted on October 29, 2012 in Research News

    Speaker: Gillian deBoer Date: Wednesday, November 7, 2012 Topic:  Nasometry and Mixed Nasality: Rethinking the Disordered Resonance Paradigm. Time:  12:10 to 1:00 p.m. Location: 500 University Avenue, Room 132, Rehabilitation Sciences Building As a courtesy to the speaker please be on time. About the Speaker: Gillian de Boer has completed a Bachelor’s in Chemistry and French […]

  • SLPs @ CN Tower Climb for United Way

    Posted on October 22, 2012 in Archive

    On Saturday October 20, 2012, seven Speech-Language Pathology students and thirty-one Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy students climbed all 1,776 stairs to the top of the third tallest tower in the world, the CN Tower. This U of T Rehab Sciences team raised $2,317 for United Way Toronto, with SLP students contributing $695 to this […]

  • Message from the Departmental Chairs. Rehabilitation Sciences

    Posted on October 17, 2012 in Archive

    We are proud to celebrate our international accomplishments and very excited about our future as we showcase our international work. In 2011, through strategic partnerships in 44 countries, we have extended the Rehabilitation Sector’s global impact in education, knowledge dissemination, and research. Many of our faculty members are involved in boundary-crossing investigations with scientists, clinicians, […]

  • Research Colloquium: October 24 2012

    Posted on October 15, 2012 in Archive

    Speaker: Shelley Mitchell, PhD Candidate Date: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 Topic: Infants at Risk for ASD: Gestures in infants and mothers Time:  12:10 to 1:00 p.m. Location: 500 University Avenue, 4th Floor, Rm 452, Rehabilitation Sciences Building As a courtesy to the speaker please be on time. About the Speaker: Shelley Mitchell has been practicing as […]

  • Student Success Stories

    Posted on October 4, 2012 in Why U of T

    Read what four of our students have to say about choosing SLP at the University of Toronto. From left to right, Anna and Talia (co-Presidents of the Year 2 Class), Li and Heather (co-Presidents of the Year 1 Class).   This Month Anna and Talia….       1. Anna Nguyen Anna graduated from the […]

  • MHSc Information Sessions

    Posted on October 1, 2012 in Archive

    Interested in a Master in Health Sciences in Speech-Language Pathology? You Should be Here!   Drop by 500 University Avenue for an  information Session about our professional program. Join us on October 31 2012 Room 452 Time 4:00pm – 5:00pm.   To Register please call the Administrative Assistant for Student Affairs at 416 978-1794 or email speech.path@utoronto.ca […]

  • Partnerships That Make a Difference

    Posted on September 28, 2012 in Research News

    Eliminating Risks Associated with Swallowing Disorders Rosemary Martino, Associate Chair, Associate Professor With funding support from the Canadian Stroke Network (CSN), our research was the first to systematically develop and then validate a screening test to detect swallowing problems in patients who suffered a stroke. Our screening test is titled the Toronto Bedside Swallowing Screening […]

  • International Student Placement 2012

    Posted on in Archive

    Karibu Kenya… Karibu = welcome! Welcomed is exactly how I felt when I arrived in Kenya. As a recipient of the Chris Gandy International Outreach Award I had the opportunity to complete my 10 week unit 9 placement in Kenya, Africa. My clinical experience in Kenya was very diverse, ranging from acute care in a […]

  • Research Colloquium: October 10 2012

    Posted on September 26, 2012 in Archive

    Speaker: Lisa-Christine Girard, HBSc, M.Ed, PhD Candidate Date: Wednesday, October 10, 2012 Topic: An investigation of family and child-level factors that impact upon the acquisition of phonological processing skills in Junior Kindergarten children” Time:  12:10 to 1:00 p.m. Location: 500 University Avenue, 4th Floor, Rm 452, Rehabilitation Sciences Building As a courtesy to the speaker please […]

  • ‘a millions things I need to say’ 1K & 5K Walk for Stuttering Awareness

    Posted on September 25, 2012 in Archive

    Six Year 2 Students and Professor Luc de Nil joined the Walk for Speech and Stuttering on Sunday, Sept. 23. Elspeth Young (2nd from the right) wrote: “Together, our class donated approximately $70, and some students made additional individual donations/pledges. I completed my summer placement at the Speech and Stuttering Institute, and saw first-hand how stuttering […]