1, 2, 3 Talk to me!
Posted on January 1, 2015 in Archive
Dr. Alice Eriks-Brophy and her team in the Childhood Hearing Loss Laboratory are using an exciting new technology,the Language ENvironment Analysis (LENA) System, to investigate the language socialization practices of families of minority language-speaking preschool children with and without hearing loss. This novel collection tool is receiving recognition for its utility in data collection in both […]
UofT SLP Newsletters and Reports
Posted on December 15, 2014 in Archive
UofTSLP Intercom The UofTSLP Intercom was revamped in 2019. Our new format includes student stories, and fun items of interest for the UofT SLP and AUD Community. Although still in the format of a departmental Newsletter we try to keep it short and breezy. Let us know how we are doing at slp.web@utoronto.ca. Current Issue […]
Alumni Association Convocation Reception and Awards Ceremony 2014
Posted on November 20, 2014 in Archive
The University of Toronto S-LP Alumni Association hosted the annual Convocation Reception and Awards Ceremony on November 19, 2014 at the Hart House building. Prior to their convocation, the graduating class of ’14 and their families enjoyed refreshments, mingling, and a performance by Mr. George Shields and his barbershop quartet. Several students received awards of special […]
First Ever “Spring Reunion” Social
Posted on October 21, 2014 in Archive
Every year the University of Toronto throws a “Spring Reunion” event to welcome back thousands of alumni and celebrate the experiences, accomplishments, and friendships formed. The several-day event features dinners, socials, awards events, networking opportunities, and stimulating talks by leading intellectuals. On Thursday May 29th, 2014, the Speech-Language Pathology Alumni Association hosted its first ever […]
International Student Experience
Posted on July 7, 2014 in Archive
S-LP Alum Reflects on her Final Clinical Practicum in Chennai, India… When Ashwini Namasivayam learned she would be completing the final placement of her master’s program in Sri Ramachandra Medical College in India, she initially felt mixed emotions. She was excited at the prospect of broadening her views and being immersed in a new cultural […]
June is Aphasia Awareness Month
Posted on June 10, 2014 in Archive
Research in Dr. Elizabeth Rochon’s lab is a team effort. Together, her team is focused on transforming lives of people living with aphasia and dementia. Their research therapies for stroke and neurodegenerative diseases are receiving world-wide attention. Currently, the lab is developing new treatments for language impairments for individuals who have aphasia following a stroke. […]
You are invited!
Posted on May 2, 2014 in Archive
University of Toronto, Department of Speech-Language Pathology, Alumni Association Spring Reunion Event – A Bonspiel! Comedy Extravaganza! Registration is now open. Hilarious improv comedy made up, on the spot, for speech pathologists BY speech pathologists. Bonspiel! Theatre takes your suggestions and creates scenes about the life of a speech path and all the things you […]
Speech and Hearing Awareness…
Posted on May 1, 2014 in Archive
Who: Speech Language Pathologists and Audiologists… What: Speech and Hearing Awareness Month 2014… Where: in Canada… A major focus of Speech-Language and Audiology of Canada’s (SAC) campaign this year is early identification and intervention of speech, language and hearing disorders. Here is how some of our faculty are involved in paediatric Speech Language Pathology and Hearing… Dr. Eriks-Brophy’s research focuses on […]
SLP Research Colloquia Schedule
Posted on April 30, 2014 in Archive
What’s new in communication disorders research? Join us on Wednesday’s for these 1 hour lunchtime presentations and find out! Presentations occur in Room 452, in the Rehabilitation Sciences Building, 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm (as a courtesy to the speaker please be on time). Check back in the fall for the 2015-16 Schedule 2014-2015 Schedule […]
Research Colloquim Calendar 2013 – 2014
Posted on April 2, 2014 in Archive
No further presentations scheduled until the winter. What’s new in communication disorders research? Join us on Wednesday’s for these 1 hour lunchtime presentations and find out! Next Presentation Date: Title: Presenter: Location: 452 Time: 12:00 to 1:00 p.m As a courtesy to the speaker please be on time. Future 2014 dates …mark your calendars! […]