Research Colloquim: May 15 2013

New Date Added to the May Schedule!

Dr. Toni Rietveld
Professor at Radboud University Nijmegen
The Netherlands

Title of Talk: Prosody as Design, Outcome and Confounding variable in
Speech & Language Pathology

Location: 500 University Avenue, Room 452

Time: 2:00 to 3:00 p.m

As a courtesy to the speaker please be on time. Recording of these lectures is strictly prohibited.

About the Speaker:

Toni Rietveld is Full professor in Methodology of Research in Language and Speech Pathology, Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Arts, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands. She also holds a part-time appointment as a methodologist at the Sint Maartenskliniek, a rehabilitation hospital in Nijmegen. Professor Rietveld’s research and teaching interests are in phonetics, applied statistics, research methodologies, technology and telehealth in speech-language pathology.